Writing curriculum, developing training and running (super-hyped but super-structured) kids programs was my full-time life for 20ish years. Now I’m in what I’d call my ‘passion-project’ era where I’ve got VBS stuff, Sunday School curriculum and teaching resources, as well some blog posts and Pinterest boards with ideas that might be helpful to folks doing all the #kidsmin type things. I’ve also been known to (sometimes) take on different curriculum and training development projects from time to time.

Big Idea! Kids Curriculum is home to a collection of original stuff I’ve put together. We’ve got some VBS content, a Christmas skit, a simple narration script of the Easter story, a variety of Sunday School lessons as well as a few great (free) teaching resources.

My portfolio is full of samples of my work and pictures of what some of that full-time life looked like throughout the years.