The entire approach to Let’s Build! Curriculum is to picture things just like you’re building a house.

  • With Foundation Blocks you start by laying a solid foundation, which in this case is a base of basic Biblical truth.

  • With Construction Zone you move on to building up the knowledge, understanding, experiences and relationship with God that the kids have already established.

Below is more about the overview and concept of Let’s Build! Curriculum and how Foundations Blocks and Construction Zone work together. Click on any of the images to enlarge them and make reading the small details easier.

Choosing the right curriculum isn’t something you should rush into.

I know, who says that, right?! I should be saying, “Buy this stuff! Get it now before it’s gone!” Nah, that’s not me. And this stuff isn’t going anywhere. I suggest that you get a feel for what Let’s Build! Curriculum is about and whether or not it is the kind of scope and approach that’s right for you. I’ll be honest, if you’re looking to just get a one-and-done set of curriculum you don’t have to think about, then this probably isn’t the best fit for you. I write the curriculum and make it available, but it’s up to you to decide what to teach and when.

Let’s Build! Curriculum: Less is MORE.

Less extra papers to sort through. Less needing to adapt and make stuff practical. Let’s Build! Curriculum is designed in a minimalistic way. It’s straight forward and easy to understand, it’s easy to prep, it’s big time easy on the budget, it’s easy to teach, and it’s easy to make visual and interactive.

Would you like to try a free sample? (Of course you would)

Don’t just take my word for it. Give this Foundation Blocks lesson a try for yourself. Browse through the lesson slides below and then download the entire lesson package. See how simple and straight forward it is to prepare and to teach. See how you like the Small Group worksheet for discussion time with your kids. See if this is the right kind of curriculum for you. Click on any of the images to enlarge them and make reading the small details easier.

Would you like to try another free sample? (Yes, of course)

Give this Construction Zone lesson a try for yourself. Browse through the lesson slides below and then download the entire lesson package. Click on any of the images to enlarge them and make reading the small details easier.

HOW you teach is just as important as WHAT you teach.

Having good curriculum is just the start. What you do with the curriculum, how you communicate the Gospel message, is the really important part, especially when it comes to kids. It’s the difference between kids listening and engaging with the message, or tuning it out, deeming it irrelevant and a waste of time. How you communicate a lesson to kids is incredibly important so I’d be doing you no favors if I didn’t provide additional curriculum resources to also build up your teachers as well.