Kids Ministry Idea: Do have a donut day

Donut Day at Sunday School, including the big donut pallet wall. Brooklyn, NY. Circa 2016.

Do: have a donut day. Do-nut glaze over or fritter away your time, donut day might be the crullest theme you can do. Very few people do-nut like donuts (even fewer of those folks being kids) so you do-nut have to worry about donut day being a good time because it is a guaranteed success. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

We had a donut day in Sunday School and it was a hit. We strung up paper plates painted like donuts, we played donut-eating games and we made donut puns all day long. We constructed a donut wall out of some old pallets, threw some colorful paint on it and gave out donut passes so the kids could come up to the stage and pick out their own special donut. We even had a step ladder so our donut wall could be extra tall. Go big or go home, I say!


  • DIY a large donut pallet wall. God bless Pinterest, am I right? I don’t know what we actually did before the age of Pinterest but I know that our lives weren’t nearly as efficient and our themed parties weren’t nearly as cool. In 10 minutes I put together a new board that you can find right here - THEME: DONUT DAY! It’s got over 35 donut-themed ideas all in one place. It’s got suggestions on different ways to DIY a donut wall. It’s got links to free printable coloring sheets and fun balloon decoration ideas. You do-nut want to miss this resource!

  • Get as many dough-nations as possible. If you haven’t already reached out to local businesses you do-nut want to miss out on giving it a try with this theme. Local businesses small and large often look for ways to give back to the community. Your donut day is a good time for donut shops to do that. You get donuts and they get to promote their business - it’s a win for everyone! Hit up a few local donut shops and see if they’d be willing to dough-nate some donuts and maybe even some gift cards, too! Do-nut be afraid to ask because the worst they can say is ‘no’ (and really, that’s not so bad).

  • Go over the top with sickly sweet puns. To be sure, not everyone is punny or enjoys dad jokes on a regular day, but hopefully donut day will bring that pun side out in everyone. You can prepare your jokes in advance or just roll with it.


Kids Ministry Idea: Have greeters at the door.


Kids Ministry Idea: Set up your own petting zoo.