Kids Ministry Already is Great Work to Important People

Maybe we could all read the title again:

Kids Ministry. Already is. Great work. To important people.

In Matthew 19 there’s an account of parents bringing their children to Jesus so that He could lay His hands on them and pray for them. Interestingly enough, Jesus’ own disciples stood in the way and rebuked the parents for doing such a thing. What did that rebuke look and sound like I wonder? “You’re bringing your children here?! C’mon, can’t you see that the great Teacher is too busy with more important things.” Or maybe it was: “Jesus isn’t here for children, He’s in the business to heal sick people and teach adults important things about God.” It could have sounded like this: “These little kids aren’t worth Jesus’ time, move it or lose it, honey!” These are, of course, just my own imaginings of what the disciples’ rebuke sounded like so don’t take that part too seriously. The part to actually take seriously is that a rebuke did in fact take place, and Jesus wasn’t here for it.

Jesus said: ““Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”(Matthew 19:14 NIV). Verse 15 then says: “When He had placed His hands on them, He went on from there.” In the account in Mark 10:14 it says Jesus was indignant. I love that. Verse 16 says that Jesus took the children in His arms and blessed them.

Jesus believed something to be true about children that the disciples didn’t yet understand - that they were also a part of His work and that they, too, were important to Him. The children were important to Jesus. Taking the time to welcome the children into His arms, pray for them and bless them, was important to Jesus. And when Jesus did that it was a teaching for everyone around; for the disciples, for the parents and even for the children themselves, that kids are important to Him and that the kingdom of heaven belongs to them, too. Jesus was teaching everyone around that we can, and we should, be bringing children to Him. 

So no, I don’t think for a moment that kids ministry is entry level. bottom rung, climbing up the ladder toward greater, more important people and work. It’s not a gateway to then move up through the ranks into youth ministry, and then hit the ultimate goal - an adult congregation! I believe kids ministry already is great work to important people. Children are no less important because they are young or because they can’t financially support the church because they don’t have jobs. Indeed, I might even argue (in another blog, another time perhaps) that children are actually the greatest work because we are pouring into, molding and shaping, teaching and guiding the next generation of leaders, teachers, decision-makers, thinkers, government officials, business owners, etc. Prevention is better than intervention. 

It no doubt takes more work, effort, energy and candy to work with kids. It takes more patience and nose-wiping, and stickers and crayons and games. It certainly isn’t everyone’s passion and it doesn’t have to be!

What I’m simply saying is this: Kids Ministry should never be dismissed or relegated to less important work because to Jesus, clearly it’s not.

So if you’re in Kids Ministry, keep up the good work! Kids ministry already is great work to important people.


The Kids Ministry Secret Sauce


2 Things That Cost Nothing But Are Incredibly Valuable: PASSION & URGENCY