BIG IDEA! Kids Ministry Training. Let's build your Kids Ministry and your team together. Check out different training options available.

If you’re interested in Kids Ministry training, brilliant! Let’s build up your Kids Ministry and your team together. How can we do that? Here are the different training options currently available:


We set up a 1 hour call, or if you’re local in the Vancouver Lower Mainland area a proper coffee meet-up, and talk things through. I’m here to listen to you and together we can evaluate where you’re at and determine what your goals and vision for your Kids Ministry are. I’ll follow up by providing some suggestions and strategy ideas that you can begin implementing that will help you build up your Kids Ministry and achieve your goals.


It’s a behind the scenes weekend thing: I come visit your church, we have a meeting where you share your vision/goals/plans for your Kids Ministry, I poke around and observe your Sunday kids service(s), and take LOTS of notes. I provide follow-up feedback, suggestions and strategy ideas to help you specifically build up your Kids Ministry and achieve your goals.


After some consultation chats together to understand your Kids Ministry goals and vision clearly, I customize training workshops for you. This could be anything from a single service ‘guest speaker talk’ type of thing, to a full weekend training jam packed full of dynamic and interactive workshops.

View my Training portfolio here:

Let’s talk shop - training workshop that is!

If you’re looking to build something you’re going to need tools. Different tools, at different times, for different projects. Think of workshops just like a bunch of different tools that all serve a different purpose and assist you with a specific need. They help you achieve something you can’t do on your own. The question is: What tools are you needing right now?

Got questions? Check out Frequently Asked Questions - Training.